I give consent for my daughter to participate in the use of Meriden Junior School’s Kiss and Ride system, as required by me, and as indicated by me in writing. Kiss and Ride operates at the Junior School’s main campus with zones on Margaret Street and Vernon Street.
Behaviour Code
I have spoken with my daughter and she is aware of the behaviour required, and understands that all the usual expectations for conduct at school apply to this activity.
Although there are some risks inherent in this activity, I understand that all reasonable care will be given by the teachers in charge, and my daughter understands that, for her own safety, she is to follow the teachers’ directions at all times. A risk assessment for this activity has been prepared and is available from Junior School Reception.
Method of Transport
I understand that the students will be walking between campuses.
Parent Responsibilities
I understand that if I choose to use Kiss and Ride, it is my responsibility to ensure my daughter is safely buckled into the car seat.
I understand I must cooperate with staff operating the Kiss and Ride system, and abide by the general Kiss and Ride regulations issued by the Local Council. Fines may be issued for lack of compliance.
I understand that it is my responsibility to indicate in my daughter's Planner what the afternoon arrangements will be each day.
Kindergarten to Year 6
I understand that I must email Reception before 1:00pm if the pick-up arrangements for my daughter change.
Staffing / First Aid
I understand that in addition to the Junior School’s teaching staff, students are/may be supervised by teacher's aides or After School Care staff. The teaching staff and assistants have first aid knowledge.
Emergency Contacts and Medical Information
I understand that the staff will have access to my daughter's emergency contact details and medical information through Junior School Reception. I will ensure that all contact details submitted to Reception are current to the best of my knowledge.
Should I wish to contact the school in case of emergency during the implementation of Kiss and Ride each afternoon, I may do so by telephoning 9752 9417.
Consent Period
I understand that this consent form is applicable to each school day of the year.